The mission of the Word of Faith Christian Center Children's Ministry is to encourage spiritual growth and Biblical knowledge to our children (ages 4-11) by teaching them how to truly love and serve the Lord using their talents to glorify Him. Giving them the opportunity to host their own service to the Lord helps them develop a love for the ministry as well as gives them a desire to study the word of God.

We believe in key objectives in order to accomplish our mission in the Children's Ministry:

1. Teach that the Bible is the only written word of God and help the child grow in the knowledge of God’s word. (Psalm 119: 89, 160)

2. Teach that God is the creator and the sustainer of universe and man. (Hebrews 1: 3)

3. Teach that Jesus is the Son of God who came to Earth to die for our sins. (John 1: 29)

4. Teach that the necessity of being “born-again” and accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior. (John 3:16-18)

5. Teach the application of Biblical principles to every part of life and to be an example to others. (1 Thessalonians 1:6-7)

6. Teach that spiritual growth (growth in Christian Life) depends on your relationship with God through Prayer, Reading Scripture, and Service. (Ephesians 4:14-15)

7. Motivate the children to excel in all things, in and out of the church, including supporting families in their responsibility to their child’s spiritual life and growth.

8. Teach the children the importance of integrity (honesty) by being an example of honesty in all aspects of our lives. (Revelation 21:8)

9. Teach children how to help others without compromising Christian values, standards, and atmosphere.

10. Provide a safe, secure, and loving environment for children, helping them feel a sense of belonging to this church and community, allowing parents to feel comfortable with letting their children attend services.